3 weeks old keep waking up

For couple of nights my now 3 weeks old has been unsettled with sleeping at night. A little bit of background i pump and feed him from bottles. He will not stay awake more than 5 mins if latch on breast. So in terms of night sleeping he has been great, but recently he is very fussy, crying, screaming, keep waking up every 45 mins or hour crying with a scream which before he was really good at night as long as i feed him. Waking up was only for feeding, i was able to put him back in his bassinet and he went back to sleep by himself. Now he's just upset and we tried everything to soothe him but him keep waking up and crying makes me wonder if he has reflux cause often he will make weird noise during sleep like he choked on something and swallowing his saliva. He has been not liking laying flat and i have putting him to sleep on the swing and seemed settle and sleeping well after the chaos. Would love for anyone to share similar stories and what was the cause or how you managed it please?