Ligament pain or UTI


Hi all, so woke up last night with a sudden quick sharp pain on the inside of my right hip bone. This morning my lower abdomen, under the bump and mostly right side of pelvis is very achey I wouldn’t say it’s extreme pain. I was thinking it’s round ligament pain but I’m also getting light pain/cramp when I urinate. I have had many UTI infections in the past though and it feels different as there is no burning and sense of urgency like I’ve had in the past.

I’ve currently put myself on bed rest for the evening and I’m drinking plenty of fluids. If it’s not improved by morning I will be calling the hospital no I’ve been given. My midwife doesn’t work weekends.

Do you guys think this is round ligament and just general stretching pain or a uti?

I also feel occasional pressure low down but I’m thinking that’s due to where baby is positioned?