Birth Experiences


I've had 3 babies. My first was just like I'd hoped it would be. I was induced the day after my due date. Got an epidural as soon as contractions started. My baby girl was born that afternoon. Healing was pretty fast and easy. The hard part was that I got the worst most hateful nurses at the hospital. They were snotty and short with me. If I asked a question they acted like I was bothering them.

I wanted my second birth to go just like my first. except I hoped for better nurses. But it all went wrong. My dr wanted to induce me a week early. No other reason except that the hospital was booked up. I didn't feel right about it but I didn't feel like I had a choice. Let me tell you right now, you do have a choice, girls! You absolutely have a choice! So I got induced at 39 weeks. My body was not ready. Contractions were weak. They had to up my pitocin but then that made my blood pressure go scary low. So then they had to pump me with speed to get my blood pressure back up. Baby was in distress. Her heart beat kept slowing. She was rolling over. They would have to turn off my pitocin to get baby's heart rate back up. But then my contractions would stop. I had 2 drs in my room monitoring. I was told that if I wasn't dilated to 10 in 1 hour I would have a c section. Well they checked me an hour later and I was at a 10. I pushed my baby out as fast as could. Problem was she was face up because she had rolled so much. I had to have an extensive episiotomy to get her out. Healing was long and excruciating. Sex hurt for 8 months after. I was angry because I knew all of that could have been avoided.

When I got pregnant with my 3rd I wanted things to go differently. I started researching to come up with a birth plan. I decided on a water birth in my home. I found an amazing midwife and I read lots of books about natural laboring and ways to deal with contractions. I watched natural birth videos. By the time I went into labor I was ready. I was 41 weeks. My contractions started the night before. My midwife came and checked me but I wasn't dilating very quickly so she told me to get some rest. I slept and the next morning my contractions were 10 minutes apart. So I got breakfast. Drank some coffee. Watched Netflix. My other two girls were at their Grandmother's. Soon I lost my mucus plug and then an hour after that I had my bloody show. My mom came over to help us fill up my birthing tub. My contractions went from 10 minutes apart to 2 minutes within 20 minutes. I labored in my tub for a few hours. My midwife told me to get up on my knees. That switching positions may help the baby come down. Sure enough my water broke as soon as I was up on my knees and my baby's head came out with the very next contraction. With the next push she was out. My husband caught her. It was exactly the birth I was praying for. I felt empowered and strong. Best thing was I had no tearing and my healing was super fast. I knew I could do it and I did it.

If you had told me years ago that I would have a home birth I would have laughed in your face. I do not like pain and I'm a big baby. But it's so worth it. And I can honestly look back and be proud of myself and have zero regrets. Though it was one of the hardest things I've done it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life.