After my glucose test.... 😴

MyLittleButtercup • Mama. Wife. Teacher. My girl is 4 and my little miracle dude is 2. It’s been a wild ride! 🎉🤷🏼‍♀️

So I did my 1 hour glucose test this morning and I started out the day a little tired because I woke up several times in the night to pee.

When I got home, my BFF said I should eat something, so I did. I ate a big ol’ cheeseburger. My treat to myself for getting my blood drawn. 😂

After my delicious and over indulgent lunch, I started my usual Netflix binge. My husband is gone for 3 weeks and I’m SO bored without him here. 🙄

Y’all, when I tell you it hit me like a TON of bricks, I am not lying. I got SO freaking tired out of NOWHERE! It just came over me. And I HAD to sleep.

I guess it was all that sugar at once, because I don’t normally have so much sugar. My body was in sugar overdrive! And I crashed hard, but y’all. It was the BEST nap ever! I wish I could nap it again!