Have you heard of reborn pregnancies??

It’s a false pregnancy where the person knows they aren’t pregnant, but they act pregnant and complain about their “symptoms”, wear fake bellies as they “progress”, “give birth” to a reborn baby doll, have FAKE ultrasounds with a YouTube video of a real ultrasound and a toy probe, take a fake pregnancy test that gives them a positive result... I think it’s honestly insane and very sad. What are your thoughts?

I stumbled across it on YouTube when I was looking at 8 week ultrasounds to see what I should expect at mine and then I scrolled down and saw “reborn 8 week ultrasound” so I clicked on it wondering what it could be. And it was a fake ultrasound video.. there was even more of that same person “progressing” through her pregnancy and her belly would get bigger with each ultrasound😣 I understand it’s for people who have gone through losses or what not but it’s just incredibly sad to me.