
I’ve always been insecure about my personality and looks and other things. In school I was picked on and bullied for the dumbest things and because I was the “weird quiet art kid”. I was even bullied for being thin (rumors spread about me being anorexic). School was shit, the people were shit, and therefore I felt like shit. It was only until a month ago when I took a look in the mirror and had this “who the fuck is that” moment and suddenly I started to realize this was me, my body, and my life. Life is too short to be bitching about things people told me about myself. No one knows me better than me.

Nobody immediately loves a person fully the moment you meet; you get to know the person and learn to accept their flaws, which makes you fall in love with them. My first year of university was when I took the time to get to know myself and now I truly do love me and my flaws. There are things I don’t like about myself of course, but I wouldn’t change anything because I am wonderful in my own ways.

To everybody with insecurities:

1. Other people’s opinions of you don’t matter.

2. We’re humans, we are messy blobs of flesh and all come in different shapes, colors, and sizes. Deal with it. We are blobs.

3. Take a moment, day, week, month, etc, to get to know yourself and look past the flaws. If we were all “perfect”, we’d probably find something else to bitch about anyway. No use wishing for perfection.

4. Treat yourself like you would a significant other and take care of yourself, in anyway you can.

5. Finally, a classic and overused quote, “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” No one should be bullied for being themselves.

I hope this helps at least one person, if not a hundred. I spent too much of my life worrying about what others think, when I should have just been focusing on what I needed.

Have a wonderful day/night and thanks for surviving this long-ass post.