Outgrowing my friends


I graduted back in June of this year and even while in school all my best friends and I drifted apart rather quickly. I thought it was because a guy I was talking to that none of them approved of, but I haven't talked to him in almost a month now and still my friends act and seem different to me. Despite me trying desperately to make plans with them. I thought now maybe it was because we hadn't spent much time together so I thought maybe if we all went to workout together we'd connect again. All I'm starting to realize is that my best friend is so stubborn and that basically everything is his way or its stupid and makes no sense and that all my other friends just keep me around for laughs. At least thats how it feels. I think we've all out grown each other. I just feel like an annoying person they have to invite to make themselves feel better. It just hurts and idk how to fix things or if fixing things is even possible anymore and I dont even think I know HOW to make new friemds anymore. I just feel so alone and basically like a complete loser that no one wants to talk to.