I just want to get this out

Soo basically I went to Miami for like 2 months and I came back home like 3 days ago. Yesterday when I went downstairs to get some water I noticed my dad was moving all the things we had in the basement and I asked him why, he said that he’s clearing the room for my grandma. My grandma had lived with us in the past but moved out a few years ago into her own house. So I just moved on and when I saw my mom, she was crying. I asked her if she was okay and she said no. She said that nothing was okay in our house. Obviously I felt bad but I didn’t know what she meant or what was making her feel that way. So I just went upstairs and then today When I went shopping, we went to the food court and while I was eating my mom was talking on the phone to her friend about how my grandma was going to move in again and that how she didnt want that. I just stayed quiet because I couldn’t say anything, what was I supposed to say? She was talking about how my aunt said that she used to live with my grandma and that she said my grandma never let my aunt do anything in her house. And how my aunt split up with her husband of soo many years because of my grandma. And now that my grandma is coming back to our house I’m worried my dad and mom will split up. Because when my grandma used to live with us before, my mom and dad had a lot of problems. And also my mom said it to her friend too. She said that she doesn’t want my grandma to mess up her marriage with my dad. Also when I asked my mom for some shoes at the mall she told me to ask my dad. She said she would ask him but she isn’t “talking” to him right now. And when we got home my mom just slept on the couch. My dad is sleeping in their room and my mom is on the couch. I really don’t want them to split up. I want whats best for both of them. I want them to be happy. But I want my parents to stay together. I don’t want to be selfish. My parents have been together for so long. I don’t want them to split up like my aunt did with her husband. Please just give nice comments to help me feel better. I hope everything fixes and that my parents get better😭😭

UPDATE: It got worse, I heard my mom talking to my dad telling him that either he moves out or she moves out. My mom is going to court . I’m scared. I’ve always Had a good family. I don’t know what to do😭