Boyfriend vs Barista

So I work right next to a coffee place so I frequently go in on breaks for a drink or a muffin. I’ve been working here for almost a year and I’ve made some friends at said coffee shop. And recently started talking to this one guy who works there a lot more.

Now here’s the thing. I have a boyfriend who I love very much, I’ve never even given the barista much thought. He’s just a nice guy I see on my breaks occasionally. My boyfriend and have been together for a year and a half. We recently started having some problems. Losing sexual and romantic interest in each other type of problems. We’ve been working really hard at being better and fixing our problems. And mind you this stuff started around the same time as our one year anniversary. But we’ve been better but its not the same. Sex isn’t as great, dates are bland. But recently the barista asked me to get coffee with him. I don’t think it was necessarily meant as a date. But. I’m not sure what to do. On one hand I love my boyfriend but it’s starting to become a chore. And I have a thing for the barista. Give me advice ladies