New mommy-to-be. Need help.


I’m only 10 weeks pregnant and I’m struggling pretty badly with depression. I’ve started an antidepressant but I know it takes time to start working. Are there any pregnant or new moms out there who have struggled with depression?? I’m worried that if I have depression now, then I’ll also have postpartum depression. I don’t want to struggle with this when I have a newborn. I thought this would all be a happy and exiting time, but all I do is cry right now. I want to love and cherish my baby, but I’m so nervous that I’ll be overwhelmed with depression after birth that I won’t be able to love my baby the way it needs to be loved. I’m nervous that I’m going to go crazy being stuck in the house day after day with a newborn. New moms, how do you keep your sanity? I wanted this baby so badly, and God answered our prayers. But now I’m a nervous wreck. Is there anyone who can relate? Or offer any encouragement or advice?