HELP: Advice on planned c section


Hey gals, I'm considering a planned section soon, was planning on a VBAC (vaginal after csection) after my emergency section 13years ago with my son, wanted to attempt the 'real thing this time around so originally signed up for a VBAC...however...since my booking back in Jan we've had an absolute nightmare with this little sausage...started off with the usual morning sickness although I had the severe motion sickness bought for the first 4months...low iron count-anemic...26 week scan showed I had excess fluid and baby had short legs...29 weeks head, abdo both ahead of dates but legs still 2 weeks behind...steroid jabs at 31 weeks in prep for suspected prem birth...amnio at 32 weeks...all fine...reduced waters (now on the low side) still short legs and bigger head and abdomen...anyway...its been a journey - oh and pregnancy alopecia - yes I have lost a huge chunks of my hair too! I'm 35weeks...seeing consultant next week at week 36 and have decided that im feeling a selected and planned csection would be a much better option for us, I'm older now, anemic, having a baby who is gestationally 2 weeks ahead size wise with ickle legs...anyway. A plan might be the best possible outcome/end to a bloody nightmare pregnancy. ANYWAY I want to find out or ask how "bad" is a planned? My emergency csection was horrific and it took me forever to get back up on my feet - how did people find a planned section? Approx down time/hosp stay lenght/any problems/pros/cons etc xx