Ladies I think I know what’s wrong with me🤭

• C✨

Only TTC for 4 months but don’t bash me ladies. Only real thing other than BD is I bought FR OPK & clearblue advanced OPK. I didn’t think I had the need for cheapies. Well I noticed I Ovulate early. So this month I decide to start tested literally the day my cycle went off. A day later my CBA(clearblue advanced) picks up high surge(blinking smiley) next day same thing. I FINALLY ordered Wondfo cheapies and they came super fast. So I still test with both. So today I got the static smiley on my CBA (which means peak fertility) but my wondfos are still negative. I’m not sad, I wanna say eureka ! Cause maybe I was BD so heavy on the wrong days and actually missing my days of opportunity. I’m keeping up with my strips and testing twice a day. Just wanted to share this with you ladies !

Now I know I’m still slight fat from my positive but I see progression

Makes me feel like all of my morning conception affirmations and positivity will go a long way this time!
