I need advice!!

So my 6 month old baby girl hasn't been feeling so hott the past two days. The other night she was running a fever of 102.5 so I gave her tylenol to break the fever and a cool bath. The next morning I checked her temp again and it was 100.6 so I gave her more tylenol and alternated with motrin like her dr told me to do. Well throughout that day she only ate a total of 5 oz.. she normally eats every 2 hrs 4oz. She only had 3 wet diapers from 330am to 11pm. She also seems gassy and keeps burping. My fiance's mother is a nurse and says she will be fine that shes probably just cutting teeth. I'm so worried about her with not peeing like normal. I want to take her to urgent care but her father thinks they will do nothing for her. Has any other mommy's had this issue?? Please comment!!