UPDATE: It’s a miracle he’s alive 😩🙏🏾


My dog Bentley was viciously attacked by three other dogs and it’s a miracle he survived 😢 He is truly one of the sweetest dogs you could ever meet and to see him in this position breaks my heart. He’s now fighting to hopefully be the same dog again some day. I know there’s a million horrible things taking place in this world as we speak but if you can find it in your heart to help my poor baby it would be deeply appreciated 💕🙏🏾

For those who would like to know how this happened... me and my family were hanging out in the backyard, swimming and having a bbq. My dog comes outside and runs under our pool deck. He’s at the fence that connects me and my neighbors backyard. My neighbor has three large pit bulls. The dogs ended up grabbing Bentley from under the fence (because they dug a whole we didn’t know about). As soon as we realized what was happening I ran under the deck and began to try to get Bentley. I didn’t realize the severity of the situation at the moment but once he wouldn’t come when I called him i began to panic and started pulling on him. When he still wouldn’t come I began to yell for my brother and fathers help. I can’t see what’s happening because the fence is boarded with wood but i hear the dogs attacking him and they’re trying to pull him into their yard as I’m trying to pull him back into ours. At this point I’m full blown going crazy as my brother is attacking them from the top of the pool deck and my dad is running inside to get his gun ( which he legally owns) by the time my dad gets back it’s too late. The dogs have locked on to his neck and mouth and was able to pull them into the yard. My neighbor comes when it’s too late to call off his dogs. Bentley had already stopped whining. My dog was dead 😔 my neighbor put him in a garbage bag and this point I’m hysterical 😩 20 minutes later he comes to our house to let us know he’s breathing 🙏🏾 we rush him to a hospital and the vets did emergency surgery.


Bentley before 💕

The dogs tore his trachea and when arrived to the vet he was breathing through his neck. These are the after surgery photos

I hate he has to live with this trauma but I’m so glad he’s survived ❤️

If anyone would like to donate message me for more info 🙏🏾


Bentley is home and doing well.. he didn’t need a trach, and he’s also able to eat and bark. He’s pretty much back to his normal self 🙏🏾 despite the wounds that need to heal. It’s really amazing how strong dogs are and how he recovered within a matter of days. I’m also grateful for all of your kind words and advice 💕my neighbor offered to “help” with the bill ( which is $4000) and by help I’m hoping he means pay the whole thing. His dogs are still outside in his yard every day and we’re hoping to find a way for them to be taken away or put to sleep. I don’t have anything against pit bulls because both of my dogs are half pit but he’s clearly training them to be that way 🤦🏾‍♀️ I’ll update again to let y’all know what happens