I might be raising a diva... 😂


Y’all. My daughter is 7 weeks old and has recently gotten super particular about how she nurses. This kid is cracking me up! And making me shake my head at the same time. The house must be 74 degrees. The bedroom ceiling fan must be on. She has to be swaddled and the curtains drawn and lights out except a lamp or she gets way too distracted. There must be white noise to induce sleepiness. I have to hold her a particular way in my chair, but if she’s still too distracted/fussy to latch then we have to lay on the bed (so she can watch the fan!). Heaven forbid anything be wrong or she just screams at me haha.

Not looking for advice, I know it’s a phase that will pass with time. Just thought I would share and give someone a laugh! Pic of us for funsies, sorry it’s so dark!

And a better one of my little goober. 💕