Who’s in the right?


So if you don’t know there is a show called ‘big brother’ where the cast is locked in a house 24/7 together, with no contact from the outside world. A few days ago (it was just aired on tv tonight) a cast members JC was talking to another member Bayleigh, she asked him if he was a M word and he explained he wasn’t but that word is very offensive to him. She continued to use the M word and he made some comparisons as an example. JC used gay and the F word, and black and the N word. She then got offended saying that he can’t use the N word and that she was offended. He stopped using the N word but she did not stop using the M word even though he expressed that it made him uncomfortable and was offensive, even during their apologies.

I see several people on both sides. Some saying he was ok because he stopped using the word immediately and wasn’t using it in an offensive way and it was not at her, only used as an example, while she was offending him but never stopped. While some people are on her side saying she had every right to be offended. What do you think? Who was right, were they both right or both wrong and why?

I’m not going to put my opinion because I don’t want to influence others opinion, I might add it later.

I’m also not sure if this is the proper room so let me know what room to move it to and I will.