Is she leading men on?

meg • 💍🐶🐶🌈🧒🏼👶🏻

So my friend, who is married, is constantly telling me about men trying to hook up with her, sending dick pics etc

At first I was like, wow men are pigs wtf...

Then she was telling me about a colleague who was being kinda flirty and asked her for dinner, as friends and she said yes!! And they ended up kissing and she was like it happened so fast and I feel so bad and stopped it immediately.

Also, she was telling me about a guy who she knows through a friend who sent her a dick pic and asked her to suck his dick... I noticed today she still follows him on social media.

Like I understand some guys are a mess but agreeing to go for dinner with someone who is flirty, not blocking someone after they send you inappropriate pics... I feel like she is to blame in part of this but I don’t know how to tell her?!? Thoughts?!

I’m married and if a man gives me any kind of attention that is flirty etc I shut it down right away, like why is she acting like this 😒