College: what I want or what I need?

I recently moved to Tennessee where they offer the Tennessee Promise program; you can go to school for 2 years for free as long as you live here, enroll in school part time, and do community service 8 hours a semester.

I have a full time job that pays about $16/hr and I love my job more than anything. I work at the corporate office of a major rideshare company. I️ got my job without a college degree even though it’s required to have a bachelors. My coworkers have masters and/or bachelors degrees.

Here’s the hard part: do I want to go to school for art, which I’m not as experienced in anymore since I’ve stopped pursuing it physically but still have a huge place for it in my heart, or should I go to school for something more practical like business? I know I wouldn’t enjoy business, I hate math and science but I love art and history. Should I️ suck it up and go for something that will get me more money for a more comfortable future or should I go for what my heart wants and rely on my experience to move up within my company?