Am I wrong?

Alexis • Mom of a little girl ❤️ Aubree Elizabeth Dellinger was born 9/1/28

I’m 32 weeks and 5 days pregnant. My boyfriend lives with his mom and his brother. They smoke inside and leave tobacco on the counters. The house is a mess and smells like cat pee. I told my boyfriend I would rather have his mom see her granddaughter at a park or somewhere else. My boyfriend proceeds to tell me that when I don’t like something I say I don’t want our daughter over there. I told him that’s not what I am trying to do. I just don’t want her to get a cigarette butt or some tobacco and swallow it. I don’t want her smelling like smoke either. Am I wrong? He has tried to clean up the house, paint it. It ends up going back to what it was.