Baby isn’t eating enough? 11 weeks old 👶🏻


I feed my baby six times a day, and recently I upped his formula to five ounces a bottle but it seems like he isn’t finishing those as of late leaving anywhere between 1-2 ounces left (boo wasting formula 😭🤑😒). He gets 15-20 mins on each breast but I know I don’t produce a ton hence the supplementation of formula following boobs. I would assume he maybe gets 1-2 ounces from my boobs depending on how they’re feeling at that moment in time lol. Obviously you cant measure how much he’s getting from my boobs but he’s definitely a lazy eater too, as soon as he’s cuddled up to me to breast feed he’ll start dozing like 4/5 times. So anyways, I’m being paranoid right? It’s okay if my baby is only getting 3-4 ounces of formula sometimes...right? Or should I follow my first time mommy paranoid instincts and call his pediatrician? Again idk what he’s getting from my boobs 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ll check his weights when we get home from vacation so I can’t monitor that in the time being. Also since it matters for how much he eats he’s 11 weeks old today and a big boy at 24 inches 14 lbs 9 oz as of last Thursday 7/19. Heeeelp I’m a overly worried first time mama just trying my best here 😭😭😭

Also a pic for fun because I just think he’s the cutest 🤷🏻‍♀️

He’s making some crazy eyes 👀 lol