Our planned yet unexpected baby

I just needed to share our story the news with someone(s!) else as we haven’t shared anything with anyone yet and I’m so keen to!

My hubby and I have been planning and trying and kept on getting negatives so I started a weightloss program in the meantime etc.

We also were planning on a trip to Mauritius later in the year but waiting till a certain date to book - if we weren’t pregnant by then we were going on the holiday!

That date came around and I got my “period” which was super light compared to normal and I had massive cramping which I put down to period pain and/or my gut moving things out from my detox diet.

After chatting to a girlfriend of mine she mentioned randomly that she had the most sore breasts when pregnant etc. I didn’t notice until I complained about 5 times across 3 days that they were too sore to sleep on (I sleep on my belly).

I then took a pee test and got a BFP!!! Later that night we got another test at the doctors and we thought maybe I didn’t pee on the stick long enough/contaminated it when pee splashed onto the screen/maybe I’ve had the test for too long etc and the Dr confirmed it was true! Woohoo!

Yesterday I got my blood work taken and am going in for an appointment in about an hour.

I can’t believe my little one started growing even when I have been eating super low carbs (have stopped that now incase you were getting worried!) and just know he/she will be a little fighter.

My hubby and I are so excited! We will share the bees with our direct family tonight after the blood test says everything is ok.

We think I’m about 4-5 weeks along but I’ll know more after the ultrasound right?

Extra bonus: I lost 6.1kg before stopping my diet so it’s kinda nice to know the extra weight won’t impact me/my body/health as much haha (I’m already overweight so didn’t wanna get thrown into a weight range that lead to complications etc)