Almost Time. Help.


Today I went for my 39+3 appointment. Doctor checked my cervix and my boyfriend's mom was in there with me. Last week it was my mom and she was nice enough to walk out but oh well. just gotta give up that little bit of dignanty

anyway I am still 2cm dilated and at 80%. my doctor pulled her hand out and very awkwardly looked at me showing me all the goopy blood on her glove kinda like "oh lookie there"

She said something along the lines like bloody show and that's where my brain spaced out and I just remember her saying he could come any Time. and asked if i knew the symptoms. yes. she grabbed me a maxi pad and I was left alone to clean myself up. I felt bad about the exam table being all gross so I kindly tore the paper and threw it away. I am nervous and excited. Went home and took a nap. revived a phone call that I will be Induced Saturday if he doesn't pop out.

I'm just worried about the pain with contractions. I had a painful BM this morning and if contractions are ANYTHING like that oh man I'm gonna be in for a long haul. any advice tips? FTM here and my dogs have been guarding me all day.