Weight Loss while Pregnant?!


I’m 18 weeks exactly, and have lost 31lbs since my 5w checkup! My doctor is making me meet with a nutritionist in the morning and honestly I’m just terrified? Not of the nutritionist but of the weight loss. I haven’t been sick really. Nauseous in the beginning but only actually threw up a handful of times. My first pregnancy I had HG and lost about 16lbs by 14-15 weeks and then started gaining. This time around I just hate food. All protein is disgusting to me. Anything that’s not a fruit or vegetable (or ice cream cone?) is disgusting to me. I’ve been tracking my calories for a few weeks now and can barely take in 1000/day. Now after researching I’m concerned about baby’s growth and what kind of interventions we may be looking at.

Have any other mamas experienced this? Is it really that dangerous for me to still be losing weight? I was overweight to begin with (221, now down to 190) Any words of wisdom?

Sincerely, never thought I’d be sad about losing weight, ever.

Thanks ❤️❤️❤️