should I go to my dr in the morning?

Sarah • 27, Married, 1Mc, 2 boys and my little girl! I love my family <3

my appt is next monday. today i had an ultrasound sound done at my high risk dr office but.. he wasnt there is was just lab tech. i was tellin her some things going on with me and she said they could mean labor is coming near but I should talk to my ob about them. got home called my obs office and seen if he had any apt they said not until thursday but he really is one of the good guys if i just show up i know hell make room. went to my birthing class tonight and told the L&D; nurse some of the stuff going on and she told me i should go to the hospital and get checked to see if im u deliating but its late and we gotta be up at 6am i figured at worse ill go if i need to but see if i cant wait until tomorrow.

so whats up with me?

lots of pelvic pressure, and pressure on my bum.. like the whole thing feels bulged out.. ive had lightning crotch a couple times.. I've been having contractions about once every hour or two at the most. I know its not often enough for labor but its way more then my normal once a day. earlier I had a pair only 15 mins apart. I'm like bone dry in there but i get like water spots on my underwear which I get could totally but a couple drops of pee but idk.. last night my contraction woke me up from dead sleep squeezing my bum and vag my only thought was I hope this wasnt what real labor contractions feel like cuz i wont make it. my contractions since then have been like bh with period cramps and not to much in the vag or bum area but coming way more then im used to. So i thought ill just pop in a see if hell check if im dilating real quick. What u guys think is this normal 32 week stuff or a good reason to pop in.

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