Does he like me? Or just friendly?

So there’s this guy from church that I got really close to during our retreat a few weeks ago. I have no intentions on dating this guy because for 1.) I’m 18 and graduated and 2.) he’s 15 but he is EXTREMELY mature for his age and acts like an adult. He claims that he saw how his dad left his mom and saw other women suffer and is the type to treat females right, no matter who they are. But I’m just really curious because his actions are coming off to me like he likes me. So to start off we met from literally quoting vines on hikes during our retreat. It was me him and a few other people that were doing it as well. Next thing you know he starts to help me up the mountains by allowing me to grab his hand so he could help me up. I saw him do it like once or twice during the hike to my friends that were in the group I mentioned earlier but he mainly was offering me help. Then, on the last day we were playing air hockey and stuff together a lot(only for a day though because it was the last day) and he just spent a majority of his time while we were in free groups (which is when both the girls and boys are together) with me. He even bought me a frap from Starbucks on the way back home because he “owed me one” for beating him in some games. Then I was allowing my journal to go around so people could write their names and phone numbers in my book since we didn’t have our phone and he put his in mine and then suddenly did the same thing I was doing so he could get my number is what I’m thinking. He’s been lowkey texting me ever since we got back from the retreat. Not flirting or anything but he’s just been texting me and saying he’s always there for me and what not. And today, we went to a birthday party for someone in our youth group and like usual, he was there with me and my friends for a majority of the time. He even went to push me on the swings randomly and gave me piggy back rides LOL. It was very nice of him but I’m just really curious if he’s actually being friendly or if he likes me.