anyone else gone thru this?


I need help, reassurance, anything......

***warning trigger warning***

today I went to my ultrasound to measure my daughter again, she's keeping up, she went from the 26th percentile to the 37th in a month which is good, she weighs 2 lb 7 oz, the heartbeats looking good, but we have a problem. There's a aneurysm cyst at the top of the umbilical cord next to the placenta, usually they see them down at the bottom near the baby's belly, the problem is is that blood flows not going through the cyst so is actually causing a blockage. They are going to see me one to two times every week from now until whenever, but I was told today "you need to prepare she's going to be early" and that they are going to try to at least get me to 34 weeks at the Max, but if there's any change they're going to go ahead and take her. I was told I could go in my next app. And they might decide right then to go and take her because this can result in a stillbirth because of no blood supply to the baby. Right now she's moving around fine and she's okay so right now she's holding up to it