My Dad is sabotaging my marriage

The day after my marriage my father sat down with my husband and told him all of my past horrible dirty laundry.. There are several things in my life that I have over come and have become a better person from. One of the things my dad blabed about is how when I was 16 my first boyfriend at the time broke up with me. I lost my virginity to this boy. We were together for 3 years. His family was my family and his mom was my mom. I didn’t know how to cope or deal with it and I was desperate to not let him go. When he was driving away I made a irrational decision and got up on the top of his hood hoping he wouldn’t leave. He ended up driving anyways and I was so hurt I ended up somehow cracked his windshield from hitting it out of anger...

Of course this was when I was 16 and I am now 28. I deal with rejection issues from having a mom that really wasn’t to loving with me.. she picked other things over me and didn’t put me first. She could barely take care of her self and my sister. She’s always been closer to my sister than me and has rejected me because of it.

My now husband has these crazy stories in his head about me now. He uses them against me as if I did them to him.

I was very upset with my dad and tried explaining how betrayed I felt but he just turned it around on me and asked what do you expect when you were so crazy.

He also tried to relate those times to today and out of current issues and situations.

I feel like this has affected my husbands view of me.. He thinks I’m irrational because of it when I try to talk through normal every day problems..

I’m not sure what to do at this point but I feel like I will never get away from my past now. I have grown a lot and have overcome a lot. I don’t act out and I try to be as less reactive as possible. I do still deal with abandonment issues and still get hurt and voice my opinion but nothing like before..

How do I get through this?