Invite my mom or no?


First time, soon to be mama here! Just seeking some advice or any experiences other mamas may have had with this situation!

My mom and I have a pretty close bond and have only grown closer sense my husband and I found out we were expecting ! She lives about 3 hours away from us, but I know when our sweet baby girl is born in November she will definitely make the drive up to see her in the hospital when she is born!

My husbands family all live withing 15 min of us and I KNOW they will be over at least every other day visiting and checking up on us.

I want my mom to feel 100% included as this is the first grandbaby on her side! And I’m just wondering if I am going to feel more comfortable with my mom being with me as well? To answer any questions or suggestions I may have? As opposed to my in laws?

My question is ... do I invite her to stay with us once we bring her home ? Did anyone find having there mom staying with them for a few days helpful or is it unnecessary? Did it take away from the bonding experience between you, baby and your partner ? Or did things work out just fine with your mom there to help out ? Please share your experiences, would love to know !! 🤗🤗🤗