I hate breastfeeding! 😫


Because of supplementing in the NICU I never established enough milk, and LO is lip tied so what I do have he can’t suck out. He has an appointment Thursday to fix his lip tie, but I am at my wits end. Every feeding takes over an hour and then less then two hours later we’re at it again. I’ve tried Mother’s Milk tea, but it makes me gag. I’ve tried fenugreek and blessed thistle supplements and haven’t noticed any difference. I have at least one Poweraid or Gatoraid every day and that’s done nothing. I drink tons of water, to the point that I’ve set a reminder on my phone to have a glass every hour. I’m drawing the line at power pumping, I just don’t have the time. Today I made a batch of lactation cookies, so I’m hoping that’ll help. Does anybody else have any recommendations? I’ve decided to give it two more weeks, and if it’s not better by then I’m throwing in the towel. Between sleep deprivation and the stress, I think my supply is going down anyway. LO is just over a month old.