Over eating?


FTM and still getting use to the breastfeeding lingo. I’m 2 weeks pp and solely breastfeeding. When my baby is on my right side she seems to either get too much milk over eat. Not sure which. But after eating on that side, if I don’t pull her off at about 10 minutes she will throw up all the milk she just drank. It seems like my milk is very strong on that side. Even when I pump it comes out immediately without needing the first stage of the pumping (expression it might be called?!? Where the pump is suppose to stimulate you to start producing). Any suggestions for what to do? Should I pump before I feed her? Or just keep taking her off after 10 minutes on that side? I just worry she isn’t getting enough food. But if I just leave her on for as long as she wants it always ends up with her throwing it all up.

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My son threw up at least a little after almost every daytime feeding the first month. I finally started wondering if he was drinking too much when awake and began giving him pauses in between each feed. If he fussed, I would offer the breast again...if not, great.It worked like a charm and he basically stop throwing up regularly after that. 😁


Ne • Jul 25, 2018
Oh, and I had (and still have) a strong flow as well.


Posted at
Google overactive let down. There are positions that’ll make it easier for baby to eat.


Fe • Jul 27, 2018
You’re welcome. Thought so. 😉


Nic • Jul 26, 2018
Thank you! That sounds exactly like what is going on!!


Posted at
It’s hard for breastfed babies to overeat. My suggestion would be to take her off and burp her, then put her back on. She could be spitting up because she needs to burp. If you take her off at the 10 minute mark she could just be getting foremilk and not the fatty milk. Taking her off before she’s done could interrupt her weight gain. Pumping before she eats could work if you pump to just release the initial flow which comes out fast but you run the risk of overstimulating your breasts and creating more of a demand and buildup. I did neither of this with my two babies (currently bf my 4 month old) and I have a super fast let down as well. It is messy and causes some spit up but he’s used to it now. He used to choke on the milk too but he’s gotten better at drinking it. It takes time but it’s manageable. Also, if your breasts aren’t emptying enough you can run into a clogged duct which happened to me at 3 weeks pp because he wasn’t latching deep enough and eating for long enough. So in order to relieve the clog I had to feed him and then pump to completely drain the breast and get the clog out. Keep up the good work mama! There’s nothing like the bond of breastfeeding your babe.