Am I being petty?

Jennifer • Married to my best friend 💕 Chemical engineer 👩‍🔬 SMD 12/11/2019 , expecting #2 January 2021

I have a friend I care about a lot. She’s a really good friend and all I care about is her well being. I know all she wants is to be happy and have a family. 8 years ago she met a guy and they started dating, I wasn’t a big fan (heavy drinker, etc) I tried not to be too judgmental and encouraged her to take her time, slow down get to know him, all that Jazz. Three months into it she gets pregnant. The whole time I supported her and he ended up deciding he didn’t want to be a daddy. They were both very young 18/19.) He’s still not in the picture, doesn’t pay support, and is no part of their lives. Fast forward 4 years and she meets another guy (there has been others in between but nothing too crazy.) He is actually a friend of a friend of mine and a decent guy so I was very supportive. Two years into their relationship and things start going down hill. He quit his job and refused to work but would spend all of their money on cigarettes and video games, they fought, she cried and hated him. She was always telling me how she’s going to leave him, or kick him out. It got so bad that they were months behind on ALL of their bills. I was living in a different state at the time and she would call me almost every single night crying. I felt so bad I couldn’t do anything to help but be an ear to listen too. I told her if she wasn’t happy then leave. A couple months of this went by and then I get a text “He proposed.” Naturally I was against it and voiced my opinion. That made things shaky for us for a while. She went through it and married him. 8 months later they are divorced. Two months later she meets another guy. He is amazing! In every. Single. Way. for her! Our friendship has improved over the time and it’s been a full year since her and her ex’s divorce. (Only finalized two weeks ago) I feel deep down that her current boyfriend is the one, but I want her to take her time and fully make that decision. So here’s my issue, I know how much she wants to marry him. As I said, he is a really great guy, but I have my apprehension and it has nothing to do with him and I know that some people’s relationships move quicker than others. I’m scared for her in a way because of her past. What’s bothering me the most is the “hints” she’s constantly dropping on social media. Why is this bothering me? Is it petty? Or my apprehension? Don’t get me wrong I’m extremely happy for her and I want it to happen but I feel like she’s pushing it. What do you ladies think?