Mom calls me names.

Sometimes when my mom and I argue she calls me names. Not like harsh curse words but it still seems to have the same effect. My mom left me when I was a kid (7 years old) she was addicted to drugs. I’ve lived with her for around a year (I’m 15) now and when we have fun it’s really fun and I really enjoy it our arguments are not really arguments they are basically like if I disagree with anything she says she calls me an idiot and stupid. And when she was on drugs (she’s clean now) she would say very harsh mean things to me like she wishes I was never born or call me a bitch. but just like when you’re own mother says your a fucking idiot it hurts cause I value her opinion so much and if that’s what the person I care about most thinks about me then how much am I worth you know? Sorry I know this sounds really dumb sorry