2 babyshowers....

Let me say this before someone jumps down my throat, I am beyond grateful. Beyond, beyond grateful that they are being very nice with giving me a baby shower. So this is the dilemma, my cousin is the one on my dad's side that is making plans for a baby shower. I am due on January 23rd 2019 so that's a while to go but I can't stop thinking about it. She is saying how we probably won't have it till Christmas break because that's when she's back from college (totally fine) but they want it at their house and they also want my fiances family involved too (which is the other baby shower party) but their house is extremely small and I know not everyone will show and blah blah but I'm worried about the space! How do I go about this? Should I just go with it and have one huge one? or do I just have two? I haven't brought this up to his mother (the one planning a baby shower? because I don't think she'll like it planned in the week of Christmas! or even want it there. PSA I never asked for a baby shower either. But I will say the fact that they are doing this I'm grateful I just don't know what to do! Ladies help!!