Baby won’t sleep 🤦🏾‍♀️😩😩

Shaunie 🌹 • Mom 🤱🏽👶🏽 Fiancé 💍👰 Nurse in training 💉💊

Our last couple of weeks have been a challenge around this time of the morning until about 5 or 6. My 7 week old son will not stop squirming, wining, and being fussy in his sleep which wakes himself up once he knocks his pacifier out of him is mouth (which never fails to happen every time) . I burp him twice after every feeding which had seemed to be more frequent. And I’ve tried swaddling but he tends to break through .

what are some tips that other moms might have that have previously experienced the same thing and what has worked. I just wanna sleep. (Also have a 22 month old that fights his sleep) Picture of my two baby men ❤️