Getting discouraged about VBAC


Trying for VBAC this time, have a back up c-section scheduled for 41+5. To give myself any opportunity possible for VBAC. Went for my 36 week appt yesterday. No progress, like took her a minute to even find my cervix. 😞

I wouldn’t be so discouraged except with my first I went to 41+5 and they induced me and after all day on pitocin I never dilated at all! They told me I had the cervix of steel. I’m just worried I’m going to put myself through waiting that long again only to have another c-section which I did not handle well the first time and having a toddler at home I’m even more of a nervous wreck about this time.😣 I have a scan scheduled for next week so they can make sure I don’t need to go ahead with a c-section regardless.