Show me your numbers!

Brenda • Hispanic,TX,Married&👧🏼👧🏼👦🏻👦🏻👦🏻👶

Your glucose numbers!

Ok so with monitoring my sugars, I’m being very careful about watching my numbers. Somewhat paranoid about getting a high number. Im trying my BEST to keep them good. Im checking it 4 times a day and I was told to check it 1 hour after each meal and fasting in the morning. I think I’m doing good but I’m kind of getting tiered of eating a lot of salads just kidding! I’m not on medications. Just watching them. Next appt with specialist is 8/1/18 I want to show her good results.

P.s. My prior OBGYN with my last baby (now 18 months) told me to check it 2 hours after. Everyone is different I guess.

I want to know:

what y’alls numbers look like

What your eating

If your exercising

Are you taking any medication

Are u going to continue eating the same way after baby is born?