
I am technically 17 weeks. Baby is measuring at 18 weeks. I have a cerclauge in, has been in for about a month now. Well (TMI) my husband and I just had sex, it's been about and hour and I went to the bathroom and I am sporting a little. It's just a little and it's pink which I know means it's new blood. This is the 3rd pregnancy in which I've had a cerclauge, the first time I was told no sex. The second time doctors said we could but had to be careful and this time nothing was really said if it was ok to have sex or not. But the only time I've ever had spotting during a pregnancy was at 24 weeks and my oldest was born at 25 weeks. Hence the reason I have to have a cerclauge every time now. But never any other spotting with my pregnancies when I have had a cerclauge. Having some mild cramping, but that is normal for me. So I'm not sure how worried I should be. Any thoughts?