Preemie Stories!

Megan • Married to a wonderful loving man and we have a beautiful son together. 8/19/15 💙

I'm 30+1 with my first baby! A boy. I'm having trouble keeping my blood pressure down even medicated and on strict bed rest. As of now, I am on methyldopa 500mg three times a day and atenolol 12.5mg once a day. The next and last step is to up my atenolol to 25mg once a day. I'm on weekly visits as of now due to changing and monitoring my medicines and blood pressure. If upping the atenolol doesn't work, we will talk about early delivery. My OB starts delivering at 30 weeks if blood pressure cannot be controlled. So a few questions to you preemie mommies:

How long did they stay in the NICU?

Could they breathe in their own? Eat? Breastfeed?

Were you able to hold/do skin to skin?

I'm sorry for the long post, I'm just super worried about my baby boy!