Coming out to family gone wrong... (Long, LONG read)


So recently I have come out as bi to my Dad, Grandmother, Aunt, and my two closest cousins. The painfully ironic thing is:

My Dad has always been strict and straight-laced about everything, yet he was the most calm and supportive.

My Grandmother was surprised but said she still loves me the same.

My cousins had mixed reactions but we’re chill about it.

My aunt..... She has always told me on every occasion that no matter what she’d be supportive. Yet when she found out the first words out of her mouth were

“I hope you don’t think you’re bisexual, because I KNOW FOR A FACT that you’re straight. Being bisexual is based around sex and is an insult to ‘true gays’”.....

and she goes on to tell me that she has plenty of ‘actually gay’ friends that she supports entirely........ I’m moving in with her and my three cousins, and I love them all to death, but when she said that it hurt more than anything I’d ever heard from her... am I wrong to feel like this?

(I tried to explain that my first gf was abusive and turned out to only want sex in the end, but she played it off as me being dramatic, even after I told her that she tried to pressure me into sex WHILE AT SCHOOL)