Toddler bed transition (from co-sleeping)

Ashley • 30. Married for 8 years to my soulmate. Momma to Jack, born on 11.30.16 and Connor born on 3.16.19

I’m sure there have been other posts about this but I’m not sure how to search. My son and I currently co-sleep, But I am 7 1/2 weeks pregnant and really need to start getting him to sleep independently. We usually lay with him on a big mattress in his room until he’s asleep and then i’ll join when I’m ready to go to bed. Does anyone have any tips for transitioning from cosleeping to a toddler bed? I know it’s going to be rough at first. I plan on still staying in his room with him at first until he’s asleep. Thank you!

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My baby girl slept with me every night since we came home from the hospital. I had definitely not planned on this at all! But hey when you’re desperate for sleep you’ll do anything. We slowly moved her in the last month to a mattress on our floor. She’s doing great so far. I’d recommend seeing if your little one likes to sleep with anything. Mine will fall asleep with a book in one hand and a stuffed Ernie (don’t ask me why) in the other. We recently cut binkys too so it was a slow transition but it seems to work great so far. We are hoping in the next few months to transition to a big girl bed. We honestly are going to skip a toddler bed. We’re going to get a full and put up railings. I couldn’t let her cry. It just upset us both too much. I honestly dont mind co sleeping. I know she’s safe beside me. But I know it’s time too!


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We haven’t done a toddler bed yet but we went from co-sleeping to her sleeping in her own bed in her own room. She had no problem napping without me there so we just moved her into her own room and never looked back. Just make sure you never give in no matter how much he cries, he must stay in his room. My daughter sleeps so much better in her own room


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We just got her a toddler floor bed and are planning to transition her by having all of us move into her room together (we have a queen bed on the other side of her room). Just trying to get her to not associate our room with bedtime anymore but want it to be a soft transition so she’s not going to a new room AND sleeping alone all at once. I know it’s a weaksauce attempt, but we don’t have the heart to do it cold turkey. 😭 praying for the end of cosleeping to be near though! My coworker joked that my love life must be at Level 0. 😂


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28 weeks pregnant here and still co sleeping. He starts out in his bed and climbs into ours around 4am, where he falls back asleep until around 7:30. He was in our bed exclusively until just after his first birthday, but he started climbing out of his crib, so we had to put him in a toddler bed for safety concerns and he just does not want to stay put.


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Same situation here! I’m only 4 weeks 3 days, but I need to make a plan. My son sleeps with me every night, and I’d like to make the transition in the next few months.


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I'm in the exact situation (only five weeks along) but still anxious about getting her to sleep on her own!following to see what else everyone recommends