My baby won’t let me put him down and uses my nipples as a binky.

Hi ladies,

I have a 3wk + 4day old newborn. Nothing makes me more happy than to breastfeed him, hold him, and take care of him so please don’t take this the wrong way. My husband and I live across country from family and we are relatively new to our community so we don’t have a large social network here. My husband is a law enforcement officer and works 56 hours a week around the clock so I am home alone... a lot ... day and night.

My baby boy won’t let me put him down. I legitimately hold him almost 24/7. I refuse to fall asleep while holding him. So I’m not sleeping at all. I have tried swaddling and halo swaddling him but he gets out of them and has rolled over to his side so those are off the table. I bought a bed so I can sleep in his nursery because he does a (little) better in his crib than his bassinet. He wants NOTHING to do with his bassinet. But these past few days have been so hard. If I’m not holding him, he cries. I’m not letting his cry it out at 3 weeks, but what can I do? He also is exclusively breastfeed. He’s using me as a binky and refuses an actual binky. My body (my nipples and back) are so extremely sore. I need a break and some sleep so bad.
