Help premature labour?!?! Bit of TMI but told


Just to warn u this maybe long need to get detail in....

I’m 16 and from the uk, first time mam.

On the 11/7/18 at 3:30 I went into the hospital at 23+1 with bleeding that had gone on for 2-3 days before hand and also had abdominal pain that lasted 30-45 seconds every 20-30 mins. They give me some codiene and paracetamol (that didn’t work) so they checked my cervix that was fine so they later discharged me as they put it down to baby growing.

I then went in on the 15/7/18 at 6:35 (didn’t want to as I had been in 4 days before hand so didn’t wanna feel like a pain, I was 23+5 I went in with abdominal pain every 10-15 mins (it had gotten worse since time before) it lasted 30-60 seconds with continuous back pain which got worse with the abdominal pain. Same again give me codiene and paracetamol (didn’t work once again) I did tell them both times it didn’t work and then prescribed me with some. They then discharged me with baby is growing and stretching. I could barely work ect which I told them and they said I’d be fine.

Warning TMI

I then went in on 22/7/17 At 12:25am at 25+5 with extremely heaving bleeding (basically me and my boyfriend had been chilling watching a film (no sex) and I went to the toilet and when I looked down to wipe blood was all over me, and in the toilet the toilet was covered. I started to shake wiping it up it was all over I got my boyfriend to bring me a pad and some underwear and changed. That was at about 10:30pm I then contacted the hospital and my mam ect (I live with my auntie) and my boyfriend then ran to the shop to get money out for a taxi to hospital got to hospital at 12:25am while he went to get the money I changed my pad as it was covered) when I got to the hospital they told me to change my pad so they could examine it which I did not a lot of blood at all... I had abdominal pains like period cramps and when the pain came my belly went tight, they kept checking my pad and give me some codiene and paracetamol which didn’t help so they said they would examine my cervix again.... she went out and came back asking if she could feel my tummy and then said tell me when the pain comes and then I forgot to tell her and she went is it hurting I said yeh how u know she said ur tummy’s just got hard... she then checked my cervix to find some watery substance so we waited another hour to see if anymore water substance came out not a lot but a little did, my bleeding had stopped at this point... they were more concerned about the water as it could be my waters... they admitted me to delivery ward as no beds in AN ward so I stayed there over night and day my boyfriends dad and step mam came to see me and then later my mam and mams best mate came to see me. At 3pm I wanted to discharge myself as nothing was happening and it was very hot and bothered in the room so I got discharged at 5:30pm

Today the pain has come back I’ve also got consistent back pain that gets worse with the stomach pain which is just a bit more worse than a period cramps and I have a pain in my Down below and like my cervix area that’s also on and off sometimes longer than others does anyone have a clue what it could be??? Is it premature labour???

Any help would be greatful apart from go to hospital as I’m at my boyfriends mams house and she’s a b**** and could care less like when I went into hospital she rang the ward to see if I was in there and wasn’t lying, never to ask if I was okay!!!

She would take me or care x