Balling my eyes out


Two weeks ago I found out I was pregnant I was a little scared seeing how this was going to be my first baby, I had went to a local clinic to get it confirmed seeing how I took one test on Friday, one on Saturday both positive and then the confirmation test that Monday. They went off my last LMP and said I was about 9 weeks along. At this point I was actually excited. Everything was going fine I decided to take another test on Monday and still a big positive. Wednesday morning I woke up with a little bit of spotting and I about freaked out I went to the ER they did blood work and said my hcg levels were at 11,000 but the baby was only measuring at 6 weeks 5 days with no fetal pole.. meaning two things I was either not as far along as I thought i was or the baby had stopped growing. 😕 they got me into my ob for an appointment today but the doctor said if this is a early pregnancy then two days wasnt going to matter and rescheduled me for next Thursday to see if there is any growth. I’m trying to completely relax my mind and not freak out but I’m so scared. The spotting has been on and off the last three days with very tiny clots every once in awhile then stops at night time. I don’t know what to think. Most of my symptoms have gone like the nipple tenderness and I haven’t felt as tired seeing how I’ve been in bed the last three days. My boobs are still pretty big and I have lower back pain but I’ve had it for awhile. I was just wondering if anyone has gone through this and everything turned out okay? I’m just so scared and worried.