Pregnant 4+ weeks! Bleeding for 48 hours!


Okay so here goes!

I’ve been getting faint positives on tests, got a negative on a digital, more faint tests, but on Thursday I finally got a pregnant on a digital, the day my period was due then....after a work event around 9 pm when I got home I was bleeding and then the next morning it was worse, just like my period. I called the doctor and went in for blood work. Blood work confirmed that I was indeed pregnant, but my beta levels are only at a 20 and that is really low. I’m getting them re tested on Monday and they should be at a 60. The bleeding lasted around 48 hours and is now down to light spotting only when I wipe. I took another test this

morning and it’s getting darker, which has me confused because I thought that with all of this bleeding it would for sure get lighter? The top is Thursday, Friday, sat, and bottom today!