Dear Husband

We havent a good day in years. We havent clicked maybe since a few months after we met 4 yrs ago. We were never compatible and it still seems like we are on different books despite being married and having a child.

I wish I could go back in time and ignored your message on the dating site we met on. I've learn a lot of you, but I feel like I learned a lot of negative things, such as things about me, things I dont want in a man, things I wish I could be because it seems like I'm not enough for you.

I feel like you can find perfection in every other girl except for me. You never believed in hyping a girl up because "you're not a cheerleader" but you have no problem saying how amazing your exs are even though every single one of those bitches cheated on you. But actually, maybe they didnt because you think I'm cheating on you. You actually got mad at me yesterday for being in a hurry to a movie I was gonna go with my family and have been ignoring me all night and all day for not kissing you or the baby goodbye.

I'm tired of thinking my life would be better without you. I'm tired of feeling like a single mom because you never want to be alone with the baby and if you are, its because theres no one else to watch her or you always put me in a bad mood whenever I go out. Literally, every fucking time.

I'm tired of you thinking that people are entitled to give you whatever you want because you've been through shit in life. So have I and you know it but I dont act like a God damn princess, but I wish I was treated as one. For once, I wish you could treat me like a princess. Like I actually mattered to you.

Yes, you'll kiss me before work, and wish me luck on exams, even help me study or cuddle with me in the middle of night but I still feel so alone. I can never really talk to you about my emotions because you treat me like a child instead of your wife. You're like a dad most of the time. Youre so quick to critique every thing I do. Chill, you might be 9 yrs older and you might know a bit more but I'm pretty grown for my age.

I know I've messed up in this relationship but you're not innocent either, so far from it.

I wish we worked, but we dont.

I wish that I could just tell you that there is something more out there for us in this world and if we are unhappy with each other, we dont need to be with each other.

We will always be family, just not the right family for each other.