Stoner boyfriend not wanting to take care of 2mo old daughter

So my boyfriend smokes weed... a lot. He smokes before work, on his lunch, and multiple times after work and gets really high. Sometimes he’s so out of it he looks like a zombie. I am totally fine with weed but my problem is that he doesn’t even wanna take care of the baby. She is only 7 weeks old. When she wakes up and cries he just tries to shove a pacifier in her mouth and make her go back to sleep, even when I say “she’s hungry...” worst of all he yells and cusses at her if shes crying..

He falls asleep around 8pm even on weekends so once he does I can’t ask him for help with her or he gets really mad. He hardly ever holds her, he lets her cry too much until I have to grab her and calm her, and he never feeds her. He doesn’t even like to make her bottles...

I basically feel like I’m the only one parenting her, and for the first 4 weeks of her life I had extreme depression and anxiety and all I wanted was a little help from him... he did for about 2 weeks and then just gave up...

I have told him several times I want him to smoke less so he can actually help me out sometimes with her because some days she can be extremely fussy, but now I don’t even want to ask him for help. I hardly ever would actually need his help but it’s the fact that he seems incapable of caring for a tiny baby like her :(