Angry boyfriend. Opinions needed.

First I wanna show you this baby’s precious little face 😍

So me, my boyfriend and our baby, Greyson, live with my brother and my best friend, mariah, and their baby. Tonight me and Mariah were sitting outside with my boyfriend just hanging out. Both babies were sleeping. My boyfriend decided he was gonna go in and go to bed. The only thing between us and him is a sliding glass door so you can pretty much hear everything on either side. Me and Mariah were in the middle of a conversation when we heard my boyfriend yell “shut up!” We figured he was talking to us because we weren’t being particularly quiet. So I turned down the music and we started talking a little quieter. A couple seconds later he yells shut up again and at this point I know he’s not talking to us so I walked inside. HE WAS YELLING AT OUR 6 WEEK OLD BABY TO SHUT UP. So I walk in Greyson’s room and my boyfriend just turns around and walks out before he even gets to the crib. I picked up the baby and soothe him back to sleep and immediately go to our room to talk to my boyfriend. My first question is “why the hell are you such an ass?” And he didn’t respond. So I said “seriously, do you think that it’s ok to scream at him like that? He’s a fucking baby! He’s gonna cry!!” He then tells me to shut up. So instead of getting myself all worked up I walked away and am currently snuggled up to my baby boy. What am I supposed to do about this situation? Has anyone else dealt with this before? I don’t know how to handle this situation like at all. 😩