Miscarriage !

How am I suppose to stay positive? My husband and i’s best friends just had twin babies. We were suppose to go see them Thursday, the day after I miscarried ! I couldn’t bring myself to go! I’m still to emotional, physically, and mentally hurt about the whole situation. It’s our second miscarriage in 5 months! They are begging us to up over and see them today, knowing that we had a miscarriage they still want us to come. I guess since I’m so jealous that they now have 4 precious babies and I’m over here still trying and its just not happening. I wish I could get pregnant and have a baby as easy as everyone else around me. Instead our doctor is referring us to <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>, for test and further help. Not to mention it’s going to cost us $13,000 just for the treatment ! I keep asking myself why this has to happen to us! But I know once I get my miracle baby it will all be worth it ! Please just say a little prayer for my family. We want a baby so bad ! I’m tired of be the jealous one of everyone with kids and expecting babies....