Birthing ball... 😒


So. I got a birthing ball, a week ago. Because i am TIDE!!! ive been 4cm for a whole week with no progress. (At least thats what im thinking). I had a Dr app yesterday and they didnt even check to see if i dilated anymore. Made me get a WHOLE attitude, i was so pissed. Dr assistant came in and asked me if i wanted to be checked, i said yes, then she told me to undress from the waist down. Then, actual Dr came in (on call i guess never seen her before), all she did was check son's heartbeat while training some girl who didnt know how to check the heartbeat 😒 then said see u next week.... "Really tho😩" like GIRL do u NOT see me undressed.... so im like i thought i was being checked today, thats why im undressed.. She's like well i dont want to check u and tip u into labor.. Wtf?? So i came home , bounced and did every exercise i could think of on that ball to try and get things going, and all it did was put him to sleep.. 😑😑So i give up. Im going to just wait it out. Guess ill see u in August sonn 😑🙄💙🖤