Getting Dolled Up

Chris • Ca. Married to a handsome Marine. Expecting our 1st baby. 🇺🇸

I hate to rant on here, but don’t you just hate it when you work hard to get all dolled up only for your SO to not give a rats ass about how you look. I got over it a long time ago, and started to do it for myself because at the end of the day, I know my self-worth, but damn. I’m over here looking like I snack and I ask him, “do you like it?” He replies with, “uh-huh, yeah I do” and goes straight back to playing the same video game he’s been playing all morning. Literally looks at me for about a second or two. But when he wants me to tell him how big his dick is during sex I better talk! Lmao Gotta love him. 🙄😂